Client Dashboard

Client Details

Client #

First Name   Last Name

Current Tier /

Info about Usage

Bank Info
(Account Info / CC#)

Address 1 Address 2
City, State/Province, Zip, Country/Region

Phone #1
Phone #2
Email #1
Email #2

Social Media


Choose a job for us to do for you

[et_pb_de_mach_acf_item acf_name=”field_6654fe3205fd6″ custom_label=”Categories ” _builder_version=”4.25.1″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_de_mach_acf_item]

Issues Selection (Text Box available at time of Submission of new Job/Issue – Not Changeable by User after submission — only accessable to Admin)

(This data will go to Admin === Admin to assign to Expert)

NOTICE == A representative will call you within 24 hours.
Instant Help is available by calling — 877-223-1001

Admin will do an initial assessment/research regarding issue before calling client about this job #

Then>> (Representative will suggest a Plan) Plan then will show up after payment in Tier / Plans section with JOB#
??//how does this plan get placed into Job#//??

Total Parts of Tier Used – Pulled from Job Selected

  • Percentage Used 50% 50%
  • Time Used 66% 66%
Message Board Per ID

<<Message Board that communicates to Dashboard of Both>>

Consultant can see what message came from what client & job#

Mesages need to be saved and fetchable without an expiration.

Info About Progress




  • Percentage Used 50% 50%
  • Time Used 66% 66%
Job 1 - Client ID - Client Plan

<<Message Board that communicates to Dashboard of Both>>

Job 2 - Client ID - Client Plan

Details of JOB –  Main category >> Sub category >> Issues
Click Here and You can learn about the Job# and Client
Information.  This page has details such as : Time Hours Spent >> Include sub category of where Expert spent the time / Expenses / Calendar / Notes / Solutions /  Where Did the Job Take Place? — (Phone, On-Site, Research) / Added Categories + Issues

<<Message Board that communicates to Dashboard of Both>>